Tag: life

A Contest Entry + My Site

“Forgot” to tell you guys that my site is back up now (and has been for a while)! It’s at: https://rejenasmiley.altervista.org 😊 I tried to make it similar to the style that I had my WordPress site in! By the way, I made a comic for a contest; please check it out, and let me know what you think! https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/a-great-way-to-begin-a-vacation-nekoturrs-realm/list?title_no=795890 The theme was ‘action’, … Read More A Contest Entry + My Site

Welp, just deleted my whole website lol

In the notion of trying to ‘update’ my website into a more user-friendly place (i.e. more responsive, better design, etc.), I tried to convert it into a WordPress site, similar to this one, but I wanted the focus to be on it being a gallery… however… the gallery software which I usually use didn’t work, and… all of the gallery plugins they had never … Read More Welp, just deleted my whole website lol

A Spiritual Factory

Imagine yourselves as like a factory: In trying to be alive in this world, our factories also unfortunately produce pollution, which is the sin from our hearts. This is when we be use finite resources/worldly things to fuel our energy. In order to clear out the pollution, you may open the windows or release the gasses or other waste through various tunnels and pipes. … Read More A Spiritual Factory

The Death of Today

How would you like to die today?… Oh, I’m sorry… You weren’t planning on dying today, were you? Let me rephrase: How are you planning on living during the death of today? I’m sure you’ve heard that we are never promised tomorrow– or even our next breath. 14 Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are … Read More The Death of Today